torii (shinto shrine archway) 意味
- torii (Shinto shrine archway)
- shrine shrine n. 聖堂, 霊廟(びょう); 殿堂, 霊場. 【動詞+】 build a shrine 社(やしろ)を建てる
- shinto shrine Shinto shrine 社 やしろ お宮 おみや 神宮 じんぐう 神社 じんじゃ
- (main building of a) shinto shrine (main building of a) Shinto shrine 社殿 しゃでん
- association of shinto shrine {組織} : 神社本庁
- household shinto shrine household Shinto shrine 神棚 かみだな
- itsukushima shinto shrine 厳島神社{いつくしま じんじゃ}◆ユネスコの世界遺産。日本?広島県佐伯郡宮島町
- shinto shrine precincts Shinto shrine precincts 神域 しんいき
- visit a shinto shrine 宮参りをする
- suspendered roof of a stylized shinto shrine 神社{じんじゃ}を様式化{ようしきか}したつり屋根
- archway archway n. アーチ道 《アーチの架けられた屋根つき通路》, 拱(きょう)道; 道路をおおうアーチ. 【動詞+】 build an archway アーチ道を建造する Venerable oaks form an archway. オークの老木で拱道ができている. 【+動詞】 The archway leads across the court
- (stone) guardian lion-dogs at shinto shrine (stone) guardian lion-dogs at Shinto shrine 狛犬 こまいぬ
- family of shinto priests serving a shrine on a hereditary basis family of Shinto priests serving a shrine on a hereditary basis 社家 しゃけ
- go to worship the shinto gods at ise shrine 伊勢神宮{いせ じんぐう}におかげ参りをする
- shops lining a passageway in the precincts of a shinto shrine shops lining a passageway in the precincts of a Shinto shrine 仲見世 仲店 なかみせ
- object of worship housed in a shinto shrine and believed to contain the spirit of a deity object of worship housed in a Shinto shrine and believed to contain the spirit of a deity 御神体 ご神体 ごしんたい